Monday, May 18, 2009

Cleaning Day

A long awaiting cleaning came to Poop Alley this week. While it is a little past the spring cleaning deadline, this alley don't care. How long will the fresh from the dentist feeling last? Poop Alley Blog editors say not long. Based on the shady characters seen hanging around lately we believe this summer is going to be extra dirty. But this valiant effort hasn't gone unnoticed. Are there more cleanups in Poop Alley's future? We can only hope. Check back later for more updates.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Poop Alley Big Gulp

40 oz Budweiser bottle, 3/4 full. The color of the contents might lead one to believe it is beer, but Poop Alley blog editors doubt its authenticity.

Fresh Find

Well, maybe not fresh. This one displays the classic "crust" of a one day old leave behind.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Found: Malt Liquor

Missing malt liqour found 2:42 pm Friday, May 9th.

Missing: Malt Liquor

Six pack last seen around 11:30 AM Friday, May 9th. Please contact the Poop Alley blog administrators if you know the whearabouts of said beverages.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Future So Bright

The sun is always shining when you're cool. Rock on, Poop Alley!

Poop Alley Bulletin

While hard to imagine, the Poop Alley blog did not always exist. Before the days of CPUs and mouses with rolley ball things, Poop Alley used a more primitive means of communication -- hence this aged relic.

Do You Feel Lucky?

What is the origin of this found object? It sure seems out of place. Is it evidence of a drug deal gone south, or perhaps a left behind by a John after turning a trick? We'll never really know. What happens in Poop Alley, stays in Poop Alley.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Escape From Poop Alley

Poop Alley can be a scary place. Thankfully, emergency exits are available. Proceed with caution, however -- The Greyhound bus depot isn't exactly Club Med.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Most Beautiful Thing I've Ever Seen

Video Capture Poop Alley 4.30.2009

It was one of those days when it's a
minute away from snowing . And there's
this electricity in the air, you can
almost hear it, right? And this bag was
just... dancing with me. Like a little
kid begging me to play with it. For
fifteen minutes. That's the day I
realized that there was this entire life
behind things, and this incredibly
benevolent force that wanted me to know
there was no reason to be afraid. Ever.


The Poop Alley Gargoyle is watching.